File -datcom.exe can unpack itself, after its starting are created subdirectories DISK1, DISK2 ..., which correspond to installation disks. Files in those subdirectories are not necessary to be copied to diskettes. It is sufficient to start program SETUP.EXE from subdirectory DISK1.
In case of starting program with parameter "-w". It is enabled user definement path (way) to data files. Defined way is saved in file win.ini, in section [DATCOM], variable DataPath (=way to data files) and UserPath (=way to user files). More detailed instructions on request.
Program DATCOM is intended for communication with electronic datalogger DATCOM and for evaluation of momentary values and archived data measured by this device. Further it offers possibility of setting up communication module DATCOM-K.
- setting up all variable parameters of electronic datalogger DATCOM
- finishing analogue channels according to normal measuring instruments
- reading and displaying momentary data of measured quantities
- reading archived data and its displaying into graphs or text file in table form
- generating output file with fixed data structure for further processing
- automated reading and processing of data from more measurement points at once
Files for download
Datcom 1.70
File typeZIP
Size1.8 MB