Installation use in these cases:
- due to using W98 or Win NT4 is good to install wmicore.exe for facilitation of some activities
- if you use EVC’s for Portuguese region install wmicore.exe too
- MDAC a coding, if you use German or Italian Windows 2000.
Support pack ++
SupportPack++ includes 3 subfolders:
- in folder GERMAN is German version of MDAC and installation of 128-bitového coding for German Windows 2000
- in subfolder ITALIAN is Italian version of MDAC and installation of 128-bitového coding for Italian Windows 2000
- in folder Win98-NT4 is placed elgas_cz Windows Management instrumentation (wmicore.exe) for possibility of programme passwording for device setting which is determine for Portuguese region
Files for download
Support pack ++
File typeAplikace .exe
Size17.35 MB