Basic features
- One or dual channel Electronic Volume Converter (EVC)
- Designed to be used for installation in hazardous area – Zones 0, 1 and 2
- Battery lifetime more than 5 years
- Fully configurable device (Telves service tool)
- Graphical LCD display 128 x 64 pixels with backlit
- Possibility to connect 3rd pressure or temperature sensor
- Possibility to connect second EVC as subsystem
- Typical error under reference conditions < 0.15 % from measured value (<0.5 % - MID)
- Certificate FTZU 09 ATEX 0290X
- Protection class IP 65
- Working temperature -25°C to +70°C
- Serial interface RS-232 / RS-485
- Optical interface IEC 62056-21
- GSM/GPRS modem
Inputs / Outputs
- 4 + 2 digital inputs
- 4 digital outputs
- 2 analog inputs (maxiELCOR EXT1 or maxiELCOR GSM EXT1)
- Up to 4 analog outputs realized via CL1 module ( 4-20mA)
maxiELCOR variants
maxiELCOR GSM Single channel device equipped with GSM/GPRS modem maxiELCOR GSM EXT1 Single or dual channel device equipped with GSM/GPRS modem with additional inputs and outputs maxiELCOR EXT1 Single or dual channel device equipped with additional inputs and outputs (without modem) maxiELCOR GSM EXT2 Single channel device equipped with GSM/GPRS modem with even more additional inputs and outputs maxiELCOR EXT2 Single channel device equipped with even more additional inputs and outputs (without modem) maxiELCOR SCR1
Single channel device equipped with SCR encoder (battery life 2.5 years) (without modem) maxiELCOR GSM SCR1
Single channel device equipped with GSM/GPRS modem, SCR encoder (battery life 2.5 years)
Optional accessories
- Thermowell, mounting kit, three-way tap (type DN 3 PN 100)
- Digital transducers EDT 23 (pressure) or EDT 34 (temperature)
- Infrared head HIE-03 (RS232) or HIE-04 (USB)
- Current output module CL1 (4 - 20)mA
- Intrinsically safe power supplies JBZ-02, JBZ-04
- Communication modules DATCOM K3/K4
- Expansion module for digital transducer option (Option board RS485)
- Telves - Setting and service SW