GPRS communicator DATCOM-AMR3/S belongs to category of Automatic Meter Reading devices. DATCOM-AMR3/S device meets the customer's needs for frequent data reading from the meters and following data transmission to the superior system. Device is constructed to be placed in hazardous area.
DATCOM-AMR3/S realizes two main functions - communication with superior system and collecting of data from connected correctors, binary inputs and internal states. There is inbuilt GSM/GPRS modem for communication with superior system. DATCOM-AMR3/S is powered from accumulator. Acumulator is charged by solar panel.
DATCOM-AMR3/S can be easily adapted to corrector’s communication interface. For this purpose device can be equipped by exchangeable serial communication module. There are several communication module variants available (RS485, RS232, UNIWIRE…).